Timothy James

Timothy James

Sunday, October 6, 2024


Thirteen. You are thirteen. Thirteen is one of those milestones that I think can be overrated. It represents so many things.  For many parents, the transition into the teenage years means, inherent rebellion, one year closer to higher insurance rates, busy schedules and smelly rooms.  For you, thirteen may mean more freedom and more privileges.  Thirteen, however, is simply another year of transitions.  

For you, you body is changing.  You are much taller, and you are losing the little boy face you once had.  You want more freedom that comes with getting closer to manhood, but you also still want to play with toys. Becoming a teenager in Biblical times typically was accompanied with getting married and starting a career alongside your dad.  Regardless of whatever cultural baggage comes with becoming a teenager, it really comes down to this.  You are in a time of transition that will last several years.  

You will change SO much over the next 5 to 10 years.  That is both exciting and terrifying, but just take a breath.  God's not done with you yet... even when you leave those teen years behind.  Your story is still in the first chapter.  One of my favorite quotes gives me great peace, I pray it will come to do the same for you.  John Newton once said, “I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am” 

Your teenage years is really all about discovering the man God is creating you to be... answering the most important question, "WHO AM I?"  You will try things and fail.  You will be challenged and be victorious.  That doesn't define who you are.  You are not who I say you are.  You are not who your friends say you are.  You are not even who you think you are.  You are who GOD says you are.  The next several years it is your task to figure that out and learn to walk in that identity.  Jesus had the benefit of knowing who He was from the beginning, and yet He still had to grow and mature.

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man." - Luke 2:52

Once you realize who God says you are, then you can begin to answer the next big life question, "WHY AM I HERE?" But that is for another time and another blog entry.  Until then, grow in wisdom and stature, my son.  You can do this.  I love you, I'm proud of you.

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