Timothy James

Timothy James

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Proud Moments vs. Pride Moments

We got the call that we needed to go to the pep-rally this week.  You would be honored in front of the whole school as the "Buffalo of the Month." Out of all the Cross Plains Elementary school, you stood out as a student because of your hard work and courteous behavior toward teachers and other students.  As a new student, you stuck out.  
As you grow and develop, you will begin to excel in specific ways.  Maybe your "thing" will be academics.  Maybe you will shine as an athlete or maybe as a musician.  Only time will tell. Regardless, I believe God will gift you, but not so that you may receive glory for your accomplishments; rather, so you may deflect glory to Him.  Make no mistake, as followers of Christ, we are called to stick out but for different reasons.  I was so proud of you because you are putting into practice the areas of character that we have imparted to you.  But I also must be careful to think that while we've work long and hard to raise you well,  it is the grace of God that allows it to take hold.  We cannot really take credit for what God does in and through you.  
As you advance and work hard, be careful not to love the lime light when you achieve great things.  It can be a dangerous thing.  Fame and glory for self-gratification comes at a high cost, just watch those who attain it.  Do what you do and do it with excellence.  But do not do it to receive a pat on the back from others, rather excel so that GOD looks good.  In a world that fight and claws its way to the top, you will be tempted to love the praise of men.  When you are, remember this little proverb, "the higher a baboon climbs, the more he shows his rump!"  Work hard, excel, achieve.  But do so to please only one... His opinion is the one that matters. I love you and am proud of you!
"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." - Gal. 1:10